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割捆机(Reaper Binder)




关键词:插秧机 | 育苗机 | 覆膜机


  • 产品描述
  • FEATURES: self-propelled wheat and Barley Harvester, high productivity and saving manual Rice Harvester and Baler. The machine is mainly composed of Bale Straw, divider assembly, cutting table assembly, diesel engine, arm rest and other institutions. The utility model relates to a hand-held self-walking Harvester. In improving the appearance of modeling, enhance adaptability, improve the quality of operation, enhance the reliability of the system, optimize the details of technical structure, etc. , are innovative, is an international level of new products. The machine is mainly used for harvesting rice and wheat. It can also be used for Harvesting Soybeans, herbage, reeds and small single-branch crops. Widely used in plains, hills, sloping land, sloping land, narrow plot, field interplanting and other plots. The machine has the advantages of simple and labor-saving operation, low stubble, no pinch and no limitation of row spacing and Ridge spacing.


    • 割捆机

